Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Want To Save Money? Stay Healthy!

  Your Health is your wealth is a saying that has been used over the years to describe that one's good health should be valued above all else. The saying might refer to a person who enjoys good health and therefore is rich in the most essential way.
The idea that good health is worth more than material wealth is an understatement. Without good health, wealth cannot be appreciated therefore it becomes meaningless. Another interpretation of the saying health is wealth might be riches cannot buy good health. No amount of money can buy back wellness once it is lost.
According to How to Stay, you can build your health account by starting with your diet; spend your calories wisely on "good investment" foods. Good investment foods consist of high-volume, high-density, high-fiber foods that fill you up on less. Soups, salads, vegetables, whole grains and beans are great examples of good investments.
If you know you want dessert with dinner, do not have a sweet treat during the day.  You need to negotiate with yourself- as in checks and balances. This mentality allows us to have everything, just not everything at the same time. To be able to have my pumpkin pie last week, I had to give up my mash potatoes…it was worth the trade!

Want to clear your mind? Exercise! Even though yoga doesn't make you drip in sweat, it calms the mind from "food noise" and prevents overeating. Now take a deep breath and release…and don’t think about that leftover piece of pie!

Walking is another form of exercise. A few things that walking will do for you include; strengthening your joints and muscles, helping to reduce cardiac disease. I found myself taking a long walk this weekend just to cleanse my thoughts and enjoy the beautiful sunlight If you enjoy walking, try finding a friend to go along, everything is always more fun when you're with a friend.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, with the holidays upon us; we tend to take less care of ourselves. Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total.
Do you feel richer after reading this article?  Just keep depositing into your health account, everyday.

Nancy Larson

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