Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Take the Time for Your Health~

                        Wellness Wednesday

We all want to live healthy lives, right? But it isn’t always easy to find time in the day — or in your life, to make drastic lifestyle changes. Fortunately, there are plenty of small things we can do that take almost no time at all that can really make a difference in our health and happiness.
Fact is, the fitness experts are recommending doing planks for two minutes each morning (or when you can jam it in throughout your day). Hold a normal plank (which is basically just the first part of a push-up) for one minute, and then do a 30 second plank on each side. This exercise helps strengthen and tone your core (that mushy stuff under your belt) which is essential to a healthy body!

Taking a good look at your plate (try using a smaller plate) of food before eating helps you truly enjoy your meal and eat slowly. When you savor your food slowly, your body recognizes you are full more accurately. Have you ever heard of an easier trick to stop overeating? 

Meditate; try spending two- five minutes a day meditating. Just give yourself some quite time and allow your mind/thoughts to be quite. Even these few minutes have a huge impact on reducing stress. Less stress = more health!

Want glowing skin…up your avocado intake. Believe it or not, the good fats that avocados are jammed pack and actually keep you hydrated from the inside out. This is the best thing you could possibly do for your skin. Personally, I’ll take any excuse to eat more guacamole!

Flossing only takes one minute, yet so very many people (I admit to skipping it too many times) don’t take the extra time to incorporate this in their routine.
If you add flossing daily, not only will you notice that your breath is fresher than ever, but you are actually helping reduce heart disease! There are tons of medical studies that link gum disease to heart disease.

Remember, your Health is your Wealth so take a little extra time today for yourself, make those small changes and start improving your health.

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