Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Do you want to lose 10, 20, 30 pounds in 1 year?

 Wellness Wednesday

Did you know that 3,500 calories is equal to one pound?  Did you know that if you just cut 500 calories per day from your daily food intake that you could lose 1 pound in a week? That equals 52 pounds in one year! Cutting 500 calories from your daily diet is SO simple and you won’t even miss it!
According to Fitbie, there are several ways to cut calories from your meals throughout the course of the day. 

*Make a trade.  By simply swapping a bagel for an English muffin, you can cut 220 calories.  Swapping a glass of whole milk for skim milk cuts about 125 calories.

*Measuring.  Susan Kleiner, RD, PhD says, “Simply measuring out one serving (of cereal) can save you up to 200 calories.”

*Move on your lunch hour.  “A brisk 15-minute walk burns about 100 calories, and it gives you less time to eat,” says Majorie Nolan, RD, CND, CPT.  Walking during your lunch break for 5 days then, would burn 500 calories. 

*Chew your food.  Another easy way to cut your calories is to slow down when you eat.  According to the American journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who chewed at least 20 times before swallowing ate up to 70 calories less at mealtime.  It takes your body 20 to 30 minutes to recognize that you are full, so it only makes since that if you eat slower, you are less likely to over eat. 
*Downsize your plate.  If you simply shrink your dish from a 12-inch plate to a 9-inch plate, you’ll cut 500 calories without feeling deprived. 

*Skip the oil.  Did you know that you can replace oil with applesauce!  “Two tablespoons of oil is about 200 calories, while 4 tablespoons of applesauce is only 40,” says Majorie Nolan,RD, PhD  (You have to double the applesauce to oil ratio in recipes).
*Have a ball.  Majorie Nolan says, “Trading your desk chair for a stability ball helps you burn extra calories because you’re forced to use your core muscles to stay stable.”  By putting this technique into practice, you can burn up to 350 extra calories over an eight hour workday, while also toning your stomach. 

Nancy Larson, Human Resources Director, County Government

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