Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You Can Live to be 100!

Wellness Wednesday


Simple lifestyle changes can add years to your life, so start taking care of yourself now. You need to prevent or delay "unhealthy aging" that happens from poor health habits. Humana suggest some everyday habits that can help you live to a healthy 100.

You hear it all the time…it doesn't have to be intense activity. The Centers for Disease Control suggests you can add years to your life by doing moderate exercise for about two and a half hours a week. You can do this with a daily 30-minute walk around the neighborhood. Or you could join the “mall walkers” five days a week.  Remember, exercise is important for heart health and flexibility as you age.

Women are at greater risk for a heart attack and diabetes disease with a waist size over 35 inches. Your belt size is directly related to how long you'll live. A waist measurement of more than 40 inches for a man of average height means he has a higher-than-average risk for these diseases. Why is waist size so important? People with wider abdomens tend to have more fat internally in their organ system, which causes more pressure on your body and risk for damage.

You can even cause damage to your health with a poor diet from "nervous eating."
Lack of sleep because of stress can harm your health. So can fatigue or being tired after being tense all day. People who are depressed, guilty, or anxious are more likely to have major health problems than people who have a healthy outlook on life.

Getting enough good calcium into your system is important for bone health. As you get older, more calcium may leak out of your bones, putting you at risk for osteoporosis - making your bones brittle and more likely to break. In addition to calcium, make sure you get enough fiber. High-fiber foods reduce your sugar load, are important for diabetes prevention, and appear to reduce the chance of colon cancer.

You may not need a full checkup every year; but as you age, regular exams are more important. Screenings for such cancers as breast, cervical, and colon can catch those cancers early - when they can be cured. Your primary care doctor can also check for high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Any of these problems, if not treated, can reduce your life expectancy. Also, if you smoke, quit. It doesn't matter if you smoke or if you're regularly around second-hand smoke. Both can shorten your life.



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