Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What to cut back on calories?

Try a low-calorie vegetarian recipe. Get encouraged trying these delicious, diet-friendly vegetarian dinners.  Many are joining the “Meatless Monday” option. Whether you’re a vegetarian (which I`m not) or just looking to cut back on calories, (which I am) eating meat-free meals can have real weight-loss benefits. Vegetables, beans and whole grains, are all plant-based foods and are full of fiber, which helps you feel satisfied on fewer calories. Increasing our fiber intake has been shown to help prevent weight gain—and even encourage weight loss. Plus, going meatless may help to reduce your risk of heart disease.

No matter which category of vegetarian you fall into, it is important to choose a variety of foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. Using the tips for vegetarians and non-vegetarians can help you make sure you are meeting your nutritional needs each day.
Vegetarians should consume a variety of calcium sources in order to meet daily requirements. Studies have shown vegetarians absorb and retain more calcium from foods than do non-vegetarians. Dairy products are a rich source of calcium. If dairy products are not included in your diet, adequate amounts of calcium can be obtained from plant foods.
Vegetarians should consume a variety of iron sources to meet daily requirements. Consuming a good source of vitamin C (citrus fruits, orange juice, tomatoes) at each meal will increases your iron absorption. Some of those include fortified breakfast cereals, soybean nuts, dark green, leafy greens, beans, enriched breads, rice and pasta, eggs and peanut butter.
Protein is found in most plant foods as well as animal foods. Your body will make its own complete protein if a variety of foods and enough calories are eaten during the day.
Vegetarian sources of protein include: beans, whole grains, soy products, nuts and nut butters, dairy products, eggs. Don’t forget your need for B12 which is found in all foods of animal origin, including eggs and dairy products. An adequate intake of vitamin B12 is generally not a concern for vegetarians who eat some dairy products or eggs. Strict vegetarians or vegans, however, may need to supplement their diet by choosing a fortified breakfast cereal or by taking a vitamin B12 supplement of no more than 100 percent of the Daily Value.

Information provided by Vegetarian Nutrition, a dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

Contact Nancy @

1 comment:

  1. Using meat as a side rather then a main course is a great way to practice this for beginners too. Thanks Nancy!
